Homesteading and Prepping - What is the Connection?

I just got in from working outside and had lunch and was sitting eating my ham sandwich and popcorn, I know but I love it, and thinking about the modern prepper. I watch several prepping channels. Some are common sense and some are just out to scare you or sell you something. I call my version casual and complementary prepping because I take a common sense approach to things like my Grand Parents and Parents would have done. Were they preppers? The answer to that is that they were Appalachian. I don’t necessarily call what me and Crystal do prepping. I call it living an Appalachian lifestyle. What does “Living an Appalachian Lifestyle” even mean? Well, living an "Appalachian Lifestyle" is living a lifestyle in which you are ready for whatever life can throw at you. Get laid off and you are ready for that. Natural disaster occurs and you are ready for that. Manmade disaster occurs and you are ready for that. People trying to take what you have by force and you are ready fo...