Yotes Be Howlin'

About 3 am last night the coyotes on the property must have caught something just outside my house. There was a terrible ruckus and the sounds of animals fighting. Something was definitely killed out there last night, the cries were just too pitiful. It only lasted a minute or two and all was quiet. By the time I got to the window all was quiet and none of the motion lights had gone off. So, I can only guess as to what was going on. Just after I had lain back down the coyotes started that blasted singing. It is such a lonesome eerie sound at 3 in the morning. I hoped my two barn cats were not on the receiving end of the attack. Before I wrote this I went out to give them a little food and both Fuzzy and Ghost were waiting patiently. So my only hope is they caught that dang groundhog that has been plaguing me and my garden. Now when I was about 13 years old, back in Harlan County Kentucky, I spent plenty of winters trapping. We didn’t have coyotes back then. There are plenty of ...