Homesteading Multipart Series Part VII – Fencing Cattle

So far we have talked about fencing hogs, goats, and sheep. Today we are going to talk about fencing in cattle. I will not be talking about fencing in horses in this blog because I simply do not have enough experience to give you any knowledge when it comes to horses. But cattle are pretty straight forward. The average cow weighs between 600 and 1500 lbs. They are skittish and willing to run over stuff. But, as with most animals, if they are given sufficient room and food they are mostly content to remain within the confines of the pasture as long as you are not planning to go anywhere. Then they will roam wherever they want so you will come home to put them up. It is a rule, get used to it. In yesteryears farmers used 3 or 4 strands of barbed wire in order to keep cattle in. It is a very effective method of containing cows but can be worrisome when it comes to vet bills. Today the modern homesteader has a world of other options. The first of which is the old “stand by” fie...