Roaming Through the Graveyard After Dark!!

Now when I was a kid – maybe 14 or 15 – I was allowed to hunt by myself at night with a dog. Today most helicopter parents would die if they thought this was going to happen. My brother had plenty of $1500 coon hounds but that was not the hound of choice for me. There was an old dog – probably 10 yrs old that showed up at the house. He was set out at our bridge and wound up at the home of our neighbor Joe Henry. So I called him old Joe. Joe was probably a cross between a fiest, beagle, and black and white walker, black and white with shorter legs and a longer body. Long ears like a beagle but a long snout like a walker coon hound but with the tenacity of a little fiest squirrel dog. I loved that old dog. Silent on the trail till he got something run up a tree. Then he had that almost beagle yodel. Many a night he and I set out into the mountains but not deep into the woods like when we coon hunted. We liked going around the old orchards where the late apple, pears, and persimmo...