New Blog Platform

 College Hill Farm dot com is dead. We killed it...... Long live the supreme leader.... Wait wrong blog..... Anyway welcome to our new blog. Today is August the 17th 2022. We had a blog on the College Hill Farm website for 3 yrs. Don't be surprised if some of those blog entries meander over here. We hope to continue with our weekly content on this media. Blogger is owned by the same folks that own Youtube so it should be easy to work between the two. 

I know some folks will say that blogger is dying. It might be but right now the price was right - FREE -We hope to continue with our 'Back when I was a Kid' content and even a little modern content about things here on the homestead that just don't lend themselves well to video.  Also, and I don't know yet, we might be able to post a few videos of content that could not be posted on Youtube. 

As of today there isn't a lot going on in the Garden - I am about to harvest a few grapes and make a little wine but I have been able - now that it has cooled down a little in the mornings - to start back on the greenhouse in earnest. 

I would list off our plans but I don't know yet and also tell God your plans and he will have a wonderful laugh. I plan to do a weekly blog entry on Wednesdays like I had been doing. I do not know if this blog will email you like the blogs from our website did. When we deleted the website we deleted all the stored emails as well. So bare with me as I learn how to use this new, to me, medium.

At my age learning something new is not as easy as it once was. But, I will try and Slow Down and Enjoy the Ride. 


  1. I hope this works well for us.

  2. How will we be notified of new content? Do we sign up somewhere?

    1. As far as I know there is no email notification. I will post when I upload on the community section of youtube and on our facebook page.

  3. Good luck Joel hope this works out. Sure enjoy your blog and videos. :)

  4. I hope this works out well for you. I've always enjoyed blogging on this platform.

  5. PS There is a place at the bottom of the page to sign up to be a follower for E-mail notifications. I know that if one also has a blog on blogger you have a page where you get notifications of all the blogs you follow.


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