I Know I am Fat You A-HOLE!

Since I have been doing videos I never knew I was fat. Thank God for the folks who are so ready to help me on my road to fat redemption!! From the 14 year old who called me a fat Bastard to the recent guy who thought he was helping me out by pointing out that I am fat in a comment.


absolutely no offense im a personal trainer and bodybuilder. if you wanna save your back once again no offense you need to lose a lot of body fat percentage overall on your frame. our frames arent made for carrying over 200 lbs of weight trust me i have experienced it myself with muscle tissue. the less weight that your skeletal and muscular system has to carry the easier it will be for it. you wouldnt overload your tractor loader and expect it to work perfectly either am i right. good luck with your back


For the record I have overloaded my tractor bucket a lot since moving to the homestead. Sometimes these folks don’t realize the offense they are giving. It is like they think that all fat people are stupid. It is not like every doctor I have ever had has not told me I need to lose weight. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. At 18 I weighed 202 lbs, ran 5 miles per day, squat lifted 510 lbs, bench pressed 340. So I have never been a little guy and never will be.

I don’t know what these people have in their mind. They all say things like “Absolutely No Offense Meant” but it is very offensive. Why? You ask! #1 I am fat and I know that I am and don't need you to tell me.  #2 You speak as if I am too stupid to know I am fat. #3 In reality, your words are not meant to help me they are meant to make you feel better about yourself. #4 You are patting yourself on the back because you are not fat thus looking down you nose at me thus making your station in life better in your opinion, you small minded fudger.


Well, On youtube I cannot say how I really feel about this but here on my blog I get to say exactly how I feel – Fudge You!


I know that is strong language and I don’t really like using such strong language. Some people may just be too dumb to understand how offensive they are. I can forgive stupid people a lot. I mean, never think that someone means you malice when stupid is a valid explanation. I had friends in college who where/are so socially inept they would say things that they shouldn’t. They mean no disrespect nor do they understand what they said breaks with social norms. I myself have done the same thing at times but hope I have grown out of such antics. But the fact remains that they have no filter. But on youtube, facebook, and other social media people feel free to say whatever to anyone.

This is a failing of our social media experiments. People are allowed to be unfeeling and show their true nature. When someone shows you whom or what they really are accept it and know what they are. They really show on social media by the things they share and think as to the kind of person they are. Hateful, hurtful things that people should have outgrown when they were 14 years old have become the norm.

Rant over, I have lost so much respect for people that I thought different of, because of their social media posts.  It is obvious they are not the folks they pretend to be. Over and over the love they portray in real life is squashed by their online persona. They show you their heart if you let them. I guess I should really thank the guy for the comment. I had been having writers block and just couldn't come up with anything for the blog this week. But here we are - Thank You Fudge!!!

I hope this finds you well. If you get a chance send up a prayer for us and we will send up one for you. Always move forward but above all else be kind and generous. Just remember that Life, Like Homesteading, is a Marathon NOT a Sprint – Slow Down and Enjoy the Ride. 

Be Certain to Visit our Homesteading Channel on Youtube at http://Youtube.com/c/collegehillfarm  as we create and live on a modern homestead like our ancestors before us. Also check out and add your name to follow our weekly blog channel at https://collegehillfarm.blogspot.com so you do not miss our weekly ponderings on the past, present and future and on our Facebook page at  https://www.facebook.com/College-Hill-Farm-295659074295747


  1. I blame the internet and social media for the downfall of our society. It’s made it a lot easier for sin to abound. I think of it as the devils playground. I miss the pre-internet age. Even tho there is no face to face encounter with those individuals, the inner man is revealed. God bless everyone

    1. The inner man is definitely revealed. But the Genie is out of the bottle.

  2. I read that comment on the video and rolled my eyes. Whatever dude. I am larger myself, and I get comments too. It sucks. My students are quite fond about pointing out my lack of hair. I’m not sure what that’s about. I have noticed you know!

    When I was young (and had hair) I also had quite a temper, but the years have softened me literally and metaphorically.

    Don’t let the digital idiots get you down. I have always enjoyed your channel as it is, plain talk and plain living. Keep up the good work. In closing, I’ll lay down an ultimatum, if your channel switches over to soy latte recipes, hot yoga and fad diets, I’ll probably move on. ;-) lol. Love ya Joel.


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